Design, maintenance and update by:
Grigore HERMAN

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Publication Requirements:
Article submission
In order to disseminate the research results in the field, researchers, scholars and professionals are welcome to submit an electronic version of the manuscript (in Microsoft Office Word format).
Submission requirements: To submit an article for publication in our journal it is required that the article was neither published before, or it was considered for publication in other journals. Authors are responsible for the content and the originality of their contributions. In order to be published, articles must be thoroughly researched and referenced.
IMPORTANT: All papers must be submitted in electronic format, only in English language and formatted according to the model provided on the Journal Website to the email address:
Copyright statement
Each manuscript must be submitted along with a certification on the part of the author that the scientific contribution represents the author(s) original work and has not been copyrighted anywhere else, document which can be downloaded (click here for download).
By submitting a scientific work to Annals of the University of Oradea - Physical Education and Sport Fascicle the submitters agree to the following:
- the submitted work belongs exclusively to the declared authors;
- the submitted work represents original scientific research;
- the submitted work has not been published or submitted for publishing to another journal;
- if the submitted work is published or selected for publishing in Annals of the University of Oradea - Physical Education and Sport Fascicle, the authors waive any patrimonial claims derived from their authorship for the submitted work; the authors retain the moral rights for their submitted work, as granted under the Romanian applicable law; also, the authors agree to refrain from ulterior submitting of the work to other journals.
The submitters agree to be solely held accountable in case of breaching the above terms and to defend the representatives of Annals of the University of Oradea - Physical Education and Sport Fascicle in the event of a lawsuit related to the submitted work. When submitting a paper the authors are required to fill and send a scanned copy of the declaration of conformity provided on the Journal Website.
Privacy statement
The submitted personal data, such as names or email addresses, are used only for the declared purpose of the Annals of the University of Oradea - Physical Education and Sport Fascicle journal (publishing original scientific research). Manuscripts are received at all times. However, in order to have your article published in the current year’s issue, the manuscripts must be submitted three months before publication date (November).
Article format
All manuscripts must be edited entirely in English. Article must include:
- Title;
- Author name(s). For each author you must mention the author´s scientific title, his affiliation (institution) and e-mail address;
- Abstract (maximum 300 words);
- Keywords (not more than 5 - 6 words);
- Acknowledgments (if any);
- Main body text (structured according to template provided on the website);
- Illustrations (graphs, diagrams, maps, photos - should have indications of their position in the text and title written in English) must be introduced in text and must be also submitted in electronic format, preferably in JPG, PNG or BMP format and must be referred to as Figures, which should be numbered with Arabic Numbers.
- Tables must be numbered with Arabic numbers and should not repeat data available elsewhere in the text.
- References must be indicated in the text, between brackets and must include the author´s name and the date of the publication (Herman, 2009). When three or more authors are refereed, they will appear in the text as follow: (Herman et al., 2019). References must be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the text.
The following style sheet is recommended:
- for journals:
Baidog, A., & Herman, G. V. (2018). The Influence of Sports and Physical Activity on the Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Fascicula Educaţie Fizică şi Sport, 28(1), 39-45.
- for books:
Herman, G. V. (2009). Omul şi modificările antropice din Câmpia Someşului [The man and anthropogenic changes in Somes Plain], Editura Universității din Oradea, Oradea, Romania (in Romanian).
- for websites:
Author (if available), article title, URL, accessed on … (time, day, month, year)
The standard model for submitting your manuscript, in Microsoft Word format, can be downloaded from here, it should be filled in and sent by e-mail to
Reviewing Methods:
The peer review process is double blind until the publication of papers. Submissions will be checked by the Editor in Chief. If the Author Guidelines are not observed or major problems are noticed, the article will be immediately rejected and authors informed on the reasons. Articles that passed successfully this stage are reviewed by two members of the Editorial Board, receiving a copy that does not contain the name and affiliation of authors or other identifying information. If reviewers find or suspect the identity of authors, they must act regardless of the ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religious beliefs or political orientation of the authors, or report to the Editor any potential conflict. If there are minor differences, the decision is taken by the Editor in Chief based on the importance of the submission, assessed in accordance with the Editorial Policy. If their opinions differ substantially, a third reviewer will be contacted. If the reviewers require revisions, authors must submit, in addition to the revised manuscript, an anonymous letter stating the changes performed or motivating the refusal to address them. In the next round, reviewers will be asked to assess whether their suggestions were properly addressed. Rejected submissions will not be returned to authors, but the authors will be informed on the editorial decision. For accepted papers included in an issue, reviewers are acknowledged collectively using their first initials and last names, except for those specifically stating that their names should not be disclosed. After acceptance, articles are checked for plagiarism using a specialiyed program.
The journal doesn’t have article submission and processing charges (APCs).
The journal doesn’t have a waiver policy (for developing country authors etc).
The journal has a strong policy of screening for plagiarism by filtering all the papers before being published with specialized software which can be accessed at the following address:\
ISSN 1224 - 5100
e-ISSN 2286 - 2870